I often use TinyPNG in everyday life to compress images. This can also be done via the website, but I wanted to automate this, as I often sit at my MacBook and have to compress images for an article - usually the website of my club - and this is very repetitive.
MacOS offers Automator for this, a simple application for creating automations. It really is simple, but the options are sometimes very in-depth; I don’t think there’s anything this program can’t do.
About When I was younger, I liked to bake, cakes, little desserts, things like that. Now I also like to cook, not only to have something to eat, but also to have a hobby away from the screen.
Until now, I have always collected recipes in paper form. Then in 2019, I set up a software with which I can collect recipes digitally, but I was never satisfied with it. In the meantime, it no longer works properly either.
The game Our game is called Ich habe noch nie, often abbreviated as IHNN, based on the drinking game Never Have I ever. It was created as part of the Software Engineering course at HAW Hamburg in the winter semester of 2022/23, where the focus was on the processes and methods of software development, not on a specific language. A project was to be developed, documented and presented as part of the examination.
As part of the class on computer science and electronics, we first got to know the development in C / AVR for the Arduino or ATmega 328p in small groups.
Afterwards, we were allowed to think up and implement our own project as part of the homework. We decided on a Pomodoro timer to support a student in learning.
What is a Pomodoro-Timer? A Pomodoro timer is a timer that works according to the Pomodoro technique, a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s.
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About You’re a student who can’t afford the new hardware in the face of rising costs, so you go into the computer store at night and pick up some video cards. You need four graphics cards, each of which you pick up and carry to your car; after the fourth, you’re done; but you can only carry one card at a time; you can always see at the top right if you’re carrying one and how many you’ve already packed into the car.
Update Update: Unfortunately the live demo is no longer available. A good 1.5 years after completion and submission of the project, I have decided to take the site offline. About As part of the class “Applied Programming” in the summer semester 2021, we have developed a project that takes up the idea of food sharing. On the one hand, this served to deepen our programming knowledge, but on the other hand, it also served as a submission as an exam alternative.